Part Six: Reference List of Topics: 29.0 BrightWorks Error Messages 29.1 Inventory Error Messages 29.2 Metering Error Messages 29.3 Script Editing Error Messages 29.4 Software Distribution Error Messages 29.5 Software Distribution Update Program Error Messages 30.0 Troubleshooting 30.1 Installation and Set-up 30.2 Cannot Meter 30.3 LockSet Does Not Release 30.4 SMRUP Patches 30.5 SiteMeter Reports 30.6 BTRIEVE 30.7 Changing the SiteMeter Messages 31.0 Equipment Database 31.1 Equipment Inventory Records 32.0 Using Brequest 32.1 Using the Btrieve NLM 32.1.1 Using the NLM with EQUIP 32.2 Using Brequest in a Login Script 32.3 Using the Btrieve VAP 33.0 Btrieve Status Codes 33.1 Btrieve Status Codes 33.2 Client-Based Btrieve for OS/2 and Windows Status Codes 33.3 Btrieve Requester Status Codes 34.0 NMS Smart-Launch Support 34.1 Enabling BrightWorks Smart-Launch within NMS 34.1.1 Activating the Smart-Launch Feature 29.0 BrightWorks Error Messages This appendix lists all error messages associated with BrightWorks. The error messages are listed alphabetically in each of the following categories: o Inventory Error Messages o Metering Error Messages o Script Editing Error Messages o Software Distribution Error Messages o Software Distribution Update Program Error Messages 29.1 Inventory Error Messages The following error messages may be displayed while using BrightWorks' inventory features. Add Inventory - This Field Cannot be Left Empty The Site field must contain information. Audit Not Completed On Site The audit was not successfully completed. Btrieve Error All Btrieve errors are reported by a number. Refer to Chapter 33.0 to discover the reason for the error. Cannot Copy File - Source File The source file names for saving the baseline may not be set properly; there may not be enough disk space; you may not have sufficient rights to the destination directory; or the files might be flagged as Read Only. Cannot Create File - Target File The target file(s) for saving the baseline could not be created. Check rights and disk space/directory entries. Cannot Delete a Pre-Defined Report The reports that are provided with BrightWorks cannot be deleted. Cannot Initialize Btrieve Btrieve failed to initialize; check available memory. Cannot Initialize Libraries DATALIB and/or WNCFS DLL's are missing. Check available memory. Cannot Re-Define this Report The reports that are pre-defined and provided with BrightWorks cannot be re-defined. Try saving the report under a different name. Could Not Access Shell Network Information Your network is not responding. You must reboot the machine and retry the operation. Could Not Create ID File The file that generates IDs for stand-alone equipment could not be created. Check that the diskette is not write protected. Could Not Login to Server The name/password you entered is invalid. Delete Unidentified Software - This Item is in the Transfer List - Delete it First. A software title that is included in the transfer list was selected to be deleted. It must first be removed from the transfer list. Entry Is Reserved for Fusion Use, Cannot Edit Entry Some Categories, Classes and Types are reserved for BrightWorks use and cannot be edited or deleted. The following fields cannot be left blank: - Category - Class - Manufacturer - Product Name For PC and MAC Software Lists, the following fields cannot be left blank: - Product Name - File Name/File Creator - File Size - Version Number Error # Deleting Report The system encountered the specified error attempting to delete a report. Error #: Server "server name" A network error occurred on the specified server. Consult NetWare documentation for a description of the error number. Error Allocating Global Memory BrightWorks could not allocate extra memory to store system files. Error Reading Audit Parameters The file WAUDCFG.DAT, which contains the Audit parameters, could not be read. Error Removing Alert Timer The system was unable to remove the timer for alerting. Error Removing Audit Timer The system was unable to remove the timer for an automatic audit. Field Type Do Not Match The BrightWorks field format (character or numeric) and the field to be imported format differ. File 'WEQTRNA.DXT' Could Not be Found The path specified to load stand-alone equipment from does not contain this file, which is needed for the stand-alone hardware. Invalid Hour Entry Entry must be in the range 12 AM - 12 PM. Invalid Minutes Entry Entry must be in the range 0 - 59. Local Site Already Has This Name The name you entered is already assigned to the local site. Select a different Site name. Local Site Cannot be Deleted The Site name you wish to delete is the name of the local site and cannot be deleted. Local Transaction Files Could Not be Found The directory from which BrightWorks is running does not have the local transaction files to which stand-alone information should be loaded. To solve this, add a search drive set up to BrightWorks. Login Name Cannot Be Left Empty The Login Name field cannot be empty when specifying access to a server. Macintosh Update Aborted The Macintosh update was aborted at user's request. Memory Allocation Error The system was unable to allocate memory for the specified operation. Close one or more applications and try the operation again. NetWare Error Could not attach to server due to one of the following: - a hardware error - the 8 server slots are in use - the maximum number of users for the server has been reached No Data For This Report There was no data satisfying the filtering conditions set in the report. No Fields Selected At least one field must be selected to print for the Custom Report or the Detailed Equipment Report. No Fileservers Specified No servers were included in the Audit. No Sites Specified No sites were specified in the Scope of Audit. Not Enough Disk Space Available The collector diskette does not have the space needed for stand-alone files. Option Available Only from Menu Bar (Delete Component) When creating new equipment components, bringing up the list of components, the user cannot delete an existing component. Path Name Cannot be Left Empty - Edit Site The Path Name must contain information when editing sites. Path Name is Already in Use Sites must be assigned unique path names. Product has Not been Installed BrightWorks needs to be properly installed following the instructions in Chapter 2 of this manual. If the program has been properly installed, run CIN.EXE to re-enable BrightWorks. Required Fields Are Missing One or more of the fields that uniquely identify a workstation are missing: site - nodeid_1 - nodeid_2 - name. Selected Fields Will Not Fit on Page Using the current page set-up, the fields that have been selected for printing will not fit across the page. Either select a smaller font, set a smaller maximum field width, select the "One Field Per Line" option, or select fewer fields to print. Server Update Aborted Server update aborted at user's request. Server Update Not Completed File Server information was not updated in the transaction file due to one of the following reasons: - The file WSERVER.DAT (containing the list of servers) could not be read - No servers were included in the Scope of Audit - No unique ID could be determined for that server Site Name Cannot be Left empty - edit site When editing a Site, the Site field must contain information. Source File Not Specified When backing up the baseline, the source baseline file must be specified. Supervisor Rights Required Supervisor rights or equivalent are needed to run an audit on a server. System Files To Audit - This is Not a Valid File Name A valid file name is up to 14 characters long; the period is required. The Transaction File Is Empty The transaction file is empty due to one of the following reasons: - EQUIP has not been run - MAC files were not loaded into the transaction files - Stand-alone equipment has not been loaded - The file server information update failed There is no Audit Selected When running the Audit Results Report, a specific audit must be selected. Transfer Unid Software as Group - Base Name / Version No. Already In Use The combination of base name / version no is in use by another software title. Unable to Configure Printer The system was not able to initialize the printer. Make sure that a printer is set up for Windows and the correct driver is present in the Windows system directory. If necessary, delete the file WLAI.INI from the Windows directory and try to print again. Unable to Create Timer Window The system was unable to create the timer window for an automatic audit or alerting. This is probably due to low memory or system resources. Close one or more applications and try the operation again. Unable to Create Window The system was unable to create a window. This is probably due to insufficient memory or system resources. Close one or more applications and try the operation again. Unable To Determine Unique ID The file that stores the unique file server ID, which is in the SYS:SYSTEM dir as a hidden file called LAIID.CFG, could not be created or opened. If the hidden file is zero bytes, delete it and try again. This message might also appear if the number of files in use exceeds the maximum number specified in the CONFIG.SYS file (usually when the user is running other Windows or DOS applications). Unable to Initialize NetWare Structures Your network is not responding. You must reboot the machine and retry the operation. Unable to Initialize Timer The system was unable to initialize the internal timer used to track automatic audits and alerts. This is probably caused by other applications using all system timers. Close an application that uses a timer and try the operation again. Unable to Open Export File The user must have write/create rights, and there must be enough disk space to create the export file. If you are trying to export to a root directory, try exporting to a sub-directory instead. Unable to Open File The system was not able to open the specified file. Make sure that a valid directory was specified and that the user has sufficient rights to this directory. Unable to Open Import File The file selected to be imported could not be opened. The file could be corrupted. Unable to Open Report Files The system was not able to open the files which contain the data being reported. Unable to Retrieve Report Information The system was not able to open or read one or more of the files required to run the specified report. Before creating reports, you must run an audit and have data in your baseline. Unable to Write to Temporary File There is not enough disk space for the temporary file. Free up some space, and then run the report again. 29.2 Metering Error Messages The following error messages may be displayed while using BrightWorks' metering features. A print destination must be chosen. Please select a printer in the printer setup dialog box to run a report. A report type must be selected. Please specify a report type in the reports dialog box to run a report. A server must be selected. Please specify a server in the reports dialog box to run a report. A source file must be indicated. Please specify an input source in the reports dialog box to run a report. A valid date range must be provided. Please specify a date range for filter criteria in the reports dialog box to run a report. Are you sure you want to export the data? Choose the Yes button to continue with the export of the data file. At least one filter criteria choice must be given! Please specify at least one of the filter criteria, either date, user, or application. File size exceeds 65,535 lines. Unable to export. The data file is too big to be exported any of the standard formats. Please try Btrieve as the export type. Invalid user name supplied. Please specify a valid user name in the attach dialog box. No additional servers can be found. BrightWorks' metering capability could not detect additional servers. No default printer! Select a printer from PRINT SETUP menu. Please select a printer in the printer setup dialog box to run a report. No input file specified. Cannot continue. Please specify the name of the input file. No output file specified. Cannot continue. Please specify the name of the output file on the export dialog box for data output. No output type specified. Cannot continue. Please select one of the output formats specified in the drop down list. No server specified. Cannot continue. Please select a server to generate reports. No source type specified. Cannot continue. Please specify one of the four radio buttons on the export dialog box for input source. Please select or enter a server name before pressing the OK pushbutton. Please specify a server in the attach or detach dialog box. Report setup choices incomplete. All selections necessary to run reports have not been made in the reports dialog box. The 'sitedata' file has been corrupted. Please contact McAfee Technical Support for assistance. Cannot read the SITEDATA file. Please contact McAfee Technical Support for assistance at 908-530-9650. Unable to establish connection with DataLIB DLL. Cannot continue. Please check to see that the file DLWBC31.DLL is in the same directory as SREPORT.EXE. Unable to initialize Btrieve DLL file. Please check and make sure that the files WBTRCALL.DLL and WBHANDLE.DLL are in the same directory as SREPORT.EXE. Unable to initialize DataLIB DLL; export functions will be unreliable. Please check to see that the file DLWBC31.DLL is in same directory as SREPORT.EXE. Unable to open input file. Cannot continue. Please check to see that the input files SITEDATA or VIRUSDTA are in the directory you have selected. Unable to open output file. Cannot continue. Please check to see that the file DLWBC31.DLL is in the same directory as SREPORT.EXE. When 'File' is the print destination, a file type must be selected. Please specify an output file name to print a report to a file. Would you like to export new baseline source files for your report? Choose the Yes button to continue with the export of the data files. You may choose the No button if you have recently exported the data files. This will save some time in the report generation process. Unable to create Btrieve output file. File may be in use. The Btrieve data output file with extension .DAT may already be in use by another user. Ensure that no one else is using the file and try again. If the problem still persists, please use the Btrieve utility provided by NetWare. Type BUTIL -RESET filename.DAT. Unable to create peaks.dat file. The Btrieve data output file PEAKS.DAT may already be in use by another user. Ensure that no one else is using the file and try again. If the problem still persists, please use the Btrieve utility provided by NetWare. Type BUTIL -RESET PEAKS.DAT. Unable to initialize Btrieve requester. Btrieve requester Brequester may not be running. Please exit Windows and run BREQUEST.EXE. Unable to insert Btrieve record. Btrieve was unable to insert one of the records in the export process. The original file may be corrupted, please call McAfee Technical Support. Unable to open peaks.dat file. The Btrieve data output file PEAKS.DAT may already be in use by another user. Ensure that no one else is using the file and try again. If the problem still persists, please use the Btrieve utility provided by NetWare. Type BUTIL -RESET PEAKS.DAT. Unable to open sitedata.dat file. The Btrieve data output file SITEDATA.DAT may already be in use by another user. Ensure that no one else is using the file and try again. If the problem still persists, please use the Btrieve utility provided by NetWare. Type BUTIL -RESET SITEDATA.DAT. 29.3 Script Editing Error Messages The following error messages may be displayed while using BrightWorks' script editing features. Another script is already using this file. You must enter a unique file name for each script. Do you want to save the changes? You have tried to close the script editor window without saving your changes. Choose the Yes button to save your editing changes and close the script editor, or choose the No button to cancel your changes. Duplicate names are not allowed. A script with this name already exists. Enter a unique name. File does not exist. The script source file cannot be found. Verify the drive and directory on which you are searching. File exceeds capacity of this editor. A script source file cannot exceed 64k in size. Source and target file names are the same. You must enter a target name that is different than the script source file name. Text Not Found. The string being searched for via the Find String dialog box cannot be found. There is no entry selected. You must first select a script before choosing the delete or rename options. This script cannot be deleted because it is a part of a scheduled package. You cannot delete a script that is part of an actively scheduled package. Unable to create new file. The new script source file cannot be created. Verify that you have sufficient rights to create the new file. You cannot edit more than eight documents at a time. You can have a maximum of eight script editor windows open. 29.4 Software Distribution Error Messages The following error messages may be displayed while using BrightWorks' distribution features. # node(s) have been deleted from the Inventory since the last time this scope was edited. These nodes will be deleted from this scope and the corresponding packages upon saving. Some nodes have been deleted from your baseline since the last time you modified this scope. These nodes will be deleted from your scope and all packages this scope is attached to when you save the scope. A site must be defined before this feature may be utilized. You must define a Site before using any of the distribution features (Packages, Scopes, etc..). An error occurred compressing fileset. An internal compression error occurred. The file(s) in the fileset may be corrupt. An error occurred copying a file. An error occurred while copying a fileset. Check your rights and the available disk space. An invalid path to filesets was detected. It has been reset to the current directory. This is an informational message. It generally occurs if you change the drive mapping from when BrightWorks was originally installed. Use the Administration/Distribution/Preferences menu commands to set the fileset path to the desired location. Could not create Fileset "". The fileset could not be created. Check your rights and available disk space. Could not create the target file. Unable to create the new fileset during a copy. Check your rights and the available disk space. Could not locate the Fileset for this package. Either the fileset has been deleted, or the path to the filesets has been changed. Verify the path to filesets from Administration/Distribution/Preferences menu commands. Error allocating memory. General error indicating that not enough memory and/or system resources exist to accomplish a particular task. Close one or more applications and retry the operation. Error renaming Fileset. The fileset could not be renamed. Check your rights. Error updating: . Unable to write to the fileset. Check your rights. Insufficient memory available to compress files. Close one or more applications and try again. Close one or more applications to free system resources/memory. Name cannot be left empty. You must enter a valid name for a fileset, script, or scope. The fileset path is invalid. Only a valid network drive may be chosen. You cannot store filesets on your local hard drive because your users who run SDUPDATE will not be able to locate them. Store all filesets in a location from which all users have access. There are no log entries to display. No users have run SDUPDATE for this package yet. This Fileset cannot be deleted because it is part of a scheduled package. This Scope cannot be deleted because it is part of a scheduled package. This Log entry cannot be deleted because it is part of a scheduled package. This Script cannot be deleted because it is part of a scheduled package. You must first delete any packages a scope, script fileset or log entry is part of before deleting that item. This scope has been deleted. This scope was deleted (probably by another user) before you attempted to edit it. Unable to delete "". The fileset could not be deleted. Check your rights. Unable to determine Fileset name. You may be running low on memory. Close one or more applications to free up system resources/memory. Unable to locate inventory equipment record. This node has probably been deleted. Another user probably deleted the specified user from your baseline. Unable to open source file. Could not open the source fileset for copy. Check that it exists and that you have the appropriate rights. Unable to read files in this Fileset. The Fileset is probably corrupted. An unexpected 'End Of File' was encountered in the fileset. Delete the fileset and create it again. This fileset was corrupted. Write error while compressing fileset. Check to be sure that you have sufficient rights and enough disk space. The fileset could not be compressed. Check your rights and available disk space. You cannot delete a package that is active. Deactivate the package, and then delete it. You must create a Scope before you can save a package. Because a package must consist of one scope, at least one scope must be created before creating a package. You must select a Fileset and/or a script for this package. Select either a fileset and/or a script to run for this package. You must select a Scope that has at least one node. A scope of at least one node is required in order to save a package. You must specify a default installation path. You must specify a path in which to install the fileset and to which the [TARGET] system variable should default. 29.5 Software Distribution Update Program Error Messages The following error messages may display while running BrightWorks' distribution Update program (SDUPDATE.EXE). The messages are listed in error number order. ERROR 0101: Error determining boot drive letter. This is an internal DOS error. You may be using an old DOS version. DOS 3.x is required. ERROR 0103: Error determining first available network drive. Check the connection to the file server, and retry the operation. ERROR 0104: Error determining first available hard drive. This is an internal DOS error. You may be using an old DOS version. DOS 3.x is required. ERROR 0105: Not enough memory to create system variable: . Ran out of memory. Unload some TSRs and/or device drivers. ERROR 0106: There is no Inventory Site in the specified drive. Before a package can be installed, you must run EQUIP on the workstation which is to receive the distributed package. You must also run an audit to include that workstation in the baseline. Be sure that you are specifying the proper path to the BrightWorks inventory database file. ERROR 0107: Floppy Disk Error: XX Check that the disk is in the drive, is write enabled, and is formatted properly. ERROR 0108: Drive 'X:' not ready or invalid drive. Check that the disk is in the drive, is write enabled, and is formatted properly. ERROR 0109: EQUIP needs to be run first, or your disk is write protected. Before a package can be installed, you must run EQUIP on the workstation which is to receive the distributed package. You must also run an audit to include that workstation in the baseline. Be sure that you are specifying the proper path to the BrightWorks inventory database file. ERROR 0110: This PC isn't in the Fusion Inventory database!. Be sure to run an audit prior to running SDUPDATE!" Before a package can be installed, you must run EQUIP on the workstation which is to receive the distributed package. You must also run an audit to include that workstation in the baseline. Be sure that you are specifying the proper path to the BrightWorks inventory database file. ERROR 0111: There is no drive letter specified in default path: The default path that was specified for this package is invalid. It must be in the form of "d:\[path]", "SERVER/VOLUME:\[path]", "VOLUME:\[path]", or one of the pre-defined system variables present in the combobox. D:\ is the drive letter, and [path] is the optional path. The user running SDUPDATE must be attached to SERVER, VOLUME must be a valid volume on that server, and the user must have rights to that volume. ERROR 0112: An invalid drive letter was specified in default path: The default path that was specified for this package is invalid. It must be in the form of "d:\[path]", "SERVER/VOLUME:\[path]", "VOLUME:\[path]", or one of the pre-defined system variables present in the combobox. D:\ is the drive letter, and [path] is the optional path. The user running SDUPDATE must be attached to SERVER, VOLUME must be a valid volume on that server, and the user must have rights to that volume. ERROR 0113: Determining drive mapping to SERVER/USER in default path: The default path that was specified for this package is invalid. It must be in the form of "d:\[path]", "SERVER/VOLUME:\[path]", "VOLUME:\[path]", or one of the pre-defined system variables present in the combobox. D:\ is the drive letter, and [path] is the optional path. The user running SDUPDATE must be attached to SERVER, VOLUME must be a valid volume on that server, and the user must have rights to that volume. ERROR 0114: Error creating default path: The default path that was specified for this package is invalid. It must be in the form of "d:\[path]", "SERVER/VOLUME:\[path]", "VOLUME:\[path]", or one of the pre-defined system variables present in the combobox. D:\ is the drive letter, and [path] is the optional path. The user running SDUPDATE must be attached to SERVER, VOLUME must be a valid volume on that server, and the user must have rights to that volume. ERROR 0115: Not attached to file server: The user running SDUPDATE must be attached to the server. ERROR 0116: NetWare error: 0xXXXX NetWare error. Check connection to server, and verify your rights. ERROR 0117: Invalid SERVER/VOLUME format in default path: The default path that was specified for this package is invalid. It must be in the form of "d:\[path]", "SERVER/VOLUME:\[path]", "VOLUME:\[path]", or one of the pre-defined system variables present in the combobox. D:\ is the drive letter, and [path] is the optional path. The user running SDUPDATE must be attached to SERVER, VOLUME must be a valid volume on that server, and the user must have rights to that volume. ERROR 0118: No such volume: The update program is unable to locate the specified volume. Be sure the user running SDUPDATE has rights to the volume and that the volume exists. ERROR 0119: There are no available drive letters to map a drive to. The user running SDUPDATE's drive map table is full. Delete one or more drive mappings for this user. ERROR 0120: Windows must be in your path to install this package. Aborting package install. This package requires that SDUPDATE can locate Windows in order to install. Add the Windows directory to your path. ERROR 0121: Unable to open Fileset: Could not open the fileset. It was either deleted or the user has no rights to the fileset path. ERROR 0122: Unable to allocate buffers for Fileset: Ran out of memory. Unload some TSRs and/or device drivers. ERROR 0123: File is not a valid fileset! SDUPDATE found the file, but it is not a valid fileset. From the BrightWorks console, choose the Fileset command from the Tools menu to create and edit filesets. ERROR 0124: Unable to create file: Could not create a file. Check your rights and the available disk space. ERROR 0125: Error in Fileset: An unexpected End of File was encountered in the fileset. Delete the fileset and create it again. This fileset was corrupted. ERROR 0126: Script "" has not been compiled! The script for this package was modified and attempted to have been compiled, but the compile failed. ERROR 0127: File doesn't exist or isn't in path. Could not locate the specified file. ERROR 0128: Out of memory. Ran out of memory. Unload some TSRs and/or device drivers. ERROR 0129: Out of disk space decompressing: to ." Out of space while decompressing the fileset. This test is done before any files are decompressed. ERROR 0201: Unable to initialize Btrieve handler. Ran out of memory. Unload some TSRs and/or device drivers. ERROR 0204: Unable to locate script data file: ! The compiled script file could not be located. It was probably deleted. Re-compile the script. ERROR 0206: The script failed on line XX. This message displays any time the script fails while executing. The message references the line number on which the script failed. ERROR 0211: didn't have enough memory to create a variable. Ran out of memory. Unload some TSRs and/or device drivers. ERROR 0214: Maximum nest count reached processing function: IF. IF...THEN functions can only be nested 50 levels deep. ERROR 0216: Invalid drive letter specified in function: A valid path is: "d:\path" where d is a valid drive letter and path is a valid path. ERROR 0217: Invalid path specified in function: . A valid path is: "d:\path" where d is a valid drive letter and path is a valid path. ERROR 0218: Function UPGRADEOS requires DOS boot files on your boot disk! The disk in your boot drive does not have any DOS system files. These files are necessary for the UPGRADEOS function to proceed. ERROR 0219: Function UPGRADEOS needs the DOS files to perform the upgrade. Be sure to run EQUIP on a DOS 5.0 workstation, a DOS 6.0 workstation, and a DOS 6.2 workstation prior to using the UPGRADEOS function for that DOS version. EQUIP picks up DOS system information and saves it in the path where the inventory databases are located, so SDUPDATE can find them and use them to upgrade. You should also be sure you have the appropriate license for the DOS version you are installing. ERROR 0220: Out of memory in function: Ran out of memory. Unload some TSRs and/or device drivers. ERROR 0221: UPGRADEOS was unable to delete system files from your boot disk. The boot disk is probably write protected or missing from the drive, or there is a problem with the drive. ERROR 0222: DOS version X.XX is already installed on your system! The DOS version to be installed on your boot disk is already running on the user's machine. ERROR 0223: UPGRADEOS error upgrading system files to boot disk. ERROR 0224: UPGRADEOS: Unable to reset disk controller. ERROR 0225: UPGRADEOS: Unable to read boot sector on boot disk. ERROR 0226: UPGRADEOS: Unable to write boot sector to boot disk. ERROR 0227: UPGRADEOS: Unable to read boot sector image file. ERROR 0228: UPGRADEOS Error 'XX' opening: The boot disk is probably write protected or missing from the drive, or there is a problem with the drive. ERROR 0229: returned error code: XX. A script function returned an error in [RETVAL], and the report non-zero return codes option was checked for this package. 30.0 Troubleshooting This section describes solutions to some of the common difficulties encountered with SiteMeter. 30.1 Installation and Set Up Please see the Quick Start Guide in metering.txt for instructions on installation and setup. Chapter 2 in Intro.txt provides detailed installation instructions and error messages. 30.2 Cannot Meter This section provides a checklist of things to do if you are unable to meter software on your network. An example of this problem would be when a user runs an application but SiteMeter does not show the software as active in View Application Usage or in the Usage.exe program. Follow the items on this checklist: 1. Check if the NLMs are loaded and active. If the user cannot meter a Windows based program, also check if SMRAGENT is loaded. Go into Administration, Metering, View Metering Status. 2. Try placing a full path into the filename field when defining the metered application. If that does not work, try without a path and just a filename. 3. Check if the NetWare drivers are up to date (at a minimum they should be IPX v. 3.10, NETX v. 3.26, IPXODI v. 2.10, LSL v. 2.01). 4. If the user is loading SWATCHER, make sure it is loaded low. Swatcher is only designed to be loaded into conventional memory (640 K). 5. Check for additional, interfering TSRs or drivers. Do a MEM /C | MORE to see what is loaded in memory and strip the PC of all TSR's and drivers besides the NetWare drivers and whatever is absolutely necessary for Windows. To do this, rename the autoexec.bat file to autoexec.old and remove from the config.sys file all unnecessary drivers. For instance, WordPerfect Office v. 3.1's Notify TSR may prevent a DOS application from releasing the lockset. 6. Check the win.ini file's load= statement. Test with only SMRAGENT and NWPOPUP on the load= statement. 7. SPAWNING. Check if the file that is being metered is SPAWNING. A file that spawns opens up one file, closes it and then opens up a different file. For example, WordPerfect For Windows v. 5.1 first opens WPWIN.EXE. It then closes WPWIN.EXE and opens or spawns to WPWINFIL.EXE. This means that WPWINFIL.EXE is the file to meter for WordPerfect For Windows. To check for what file to meter, run RCONSOLE or walk over to the fileserver console. Run Monitor. Then List Active Connections and select Connection Information. Select the name of the user. Then have the user run the application. The files that remain open in Monitor for that user's PC will be displayed and you will be able to identify the files running for the application. As of this writing, SiteMeter v. 4.1.1 or earlier requires that an .exe or .com file must be open in order to meter an application. The secondary file or files that are spawned may not have an .exe or .com extension and this sometimes results in the application not metering or the lockset not being released when the application is closed. If this is the case and the application is a DOS based program, SLOCK and SUNLOCK may be used to meter the program. SLOCK and SUNLOCK are metering utilities which shipped with SiteLock. Simply create a batch file which runs SLOCK, the DOS application and then SUNLOCK. For example, let's say the program is SYSCON. The .bat file that would be set up could be called SYSCON.BAT. The contents of the .bat file would be, SLOCK SYSCON_UTIL SYSCON.EXE SUNLOCK SYSCON_UTIL where SYSCON_UTIL is the Metered Application Name in the Currently Metered Application under Metering. When the user types SYSCON, SYSCON.BAT will execute and SLOCK will run, manually placing a lock on the metered application. Then SYSCON.EXE will run. When the user exits SYSCON, SUNLOCK will run, manually releasing the lock in SiteMeter. NOTE: Spawning will be addressed by an enhancement in a future release of SiteMeter/BrightWorks. Another workaround is to list all of the .exe or .com files under File[s] To Meter in the metered application. This sometimes gets the application to meter properly and/or release the lockset. Especially try this with Windows based applications because there is no workaround like Sunlock to catch a spawned Windows based application. An additional workaround is to modify the SITEMETR.EXT file. The Sitemetr.ext file exists in the Home Directory For Data Files (SYS:SYSTEM\SITEMETR). It contains a listing of the extensions of the files that can be accepted as the File[s] To Meter in a metered application. By editing this file, the Supervisor (or equivalent) will then be able to enter a filename with the new file extension as a File[s] To Meter. It may then be possible to meter an application without a .exe or .com extension. In our experience, the only applications that were able to be metered this way were Micrographic programs. These programs include Designer, Draw and Charisma. These programs spawn to a .BIN file which SiteMeter cannot normally meter. The workaround for the SITEMETR.NLMs and SMRAGENT is as follows: a. Edit the SYS:\SYSTEM\SITEMETR\SITEMETR.EXT file and add .BIN to the list of file extensions. b. Enter (DESIGNER).BIN as the File[s] To Meter in the Currently Metered Application under SiteMeter (SYS:\DESIGNER\DESIGNER.BIN). NOTE: For SWATCHER, the workaround to meter Micrographics programs is quite different: Delete the original Designer.exe file and rename the Designer.bin file to Designer.exe. Copy that new .EXE file into the subdirectory. Within File[s] To Meter include the specific path and correct .EXE file to protect. Other programs such as Draw and Charisma can do the same. Rename or delete the .EXE file and copy the .BIN file to a .EXE file. 8. Remove items from the Windows Startup group and test. 9. Reload the Sitemetr and Smrproxy NLMs. 10. If the SiteMeter NLMs are being loaded after Macintosh NLMs (AFP.NLM, ATPS.NLM), load the SiteMeter NLMs before the Macintosh NLMs. In the past, having the SiteMeter NLMs loaded after Macintosh NLMs sometimes caused the fileserver to crash and/or metering to fail. 11. Check if the old SiteLock NLM is simultaneously loaded with Sitemetr.nlm and Smrproxy.nlm. This could have disastrous, random results. If so, remove Sitelock.nlm. 12. Recreate the lockset. Go Metering, Currently Metered Applications and delete the entry for the software package that will not meter. Then add the entry back into the metering database and retest. 30.3 LockSet Does Not Release For example, a user enters Lotus 1-2-3. After exiting the program, View Application Usage or USAGE.EXE still shows the user in the application when they are not in the application. To troubleshoot this situation, usually the affected PC must first release the lockset. To do this, have the user with the locked application either back out of Windows or log out of the network. Follow this checklist to solve this problem: 1. Do one of the following: a. Place the full path into the File[s] To Meter field. For example, SYS:\PUBLIC\SYSCON.EXE. Go into Metering and Modify the currently metered application. 'Remove' the file that is already present and then 'Add' to Browse For Files To Meter. Make sure the Include Path box is marked. Then browse for the filename and it will appear in the File[s] To Meter window with the full path. b. If the path already exists in the File[s] To Meter field, remove the path and just leave the filename using similar steps as in 1a. For example, 123.EXE. Make sure the Include Path box is blank. 2. If the user has loaded the SWATCHER TSR, make sure that Swatcher is NOT loaded high. Swatcher was designed to only be loaded in conventional memory (640 K). 3. Check if the NLMs are loaded and active. Go Administration, Metering, View Metering Status. 4. Ensure that the user has loaded the latest NetWare drivers (IPX, IPXODI, LSL and NETX). 5. SPAWNING. Check if the application spawns other files. As of this writing, SiteMeter v. 4.1.1 or earlier requires an open .exe or .com file to meter an application. This will be addressed by an enhancement in a future release. The secondary file or files that are spawned may not have an .exe or .com extension and this sometimes results in the lockset not being released when the application is metered. If this is the case and the application is a DOS based program, SUNLOCK may be used to release the lockset. SUNLOCK is a metering utility which shipped with SiteLock. Simply create a batch file which runs the DOS application and then runs SUNLOCK. For example, lets say the program is SYSCON. The .bat file that would be set up could be called SYSCON.BAT. The contents of the .bat file would be, SYSCON.EXE SUNLOCK SYSCON_UTIL where SYSCON_UTIL is the Metered Application Name in the Currently Metered Application under Metering. When the user types SYSCON, SYCON.BAT will execute and SYSCON.EXE will run. When the user exits SYSCON, SUNLOCK will run, manually releasing the lockset in SiteMeter. Please see Appendix A for further information. Another workaround is to list all of the .exe or .com files under File[s] To Meter in the metered application. This sometimes gets the application to meter properly and release the lockset. Especially try this with Windows based applications, because there is no workaround like Sunlock to catch a spawned Windows based application. 6. Check for additional, interfering TSRs or drivers. Do a MEM /C | MORE to see what has been loaded into memory and strip the PC of all TSR's and drivers besides the NetWare drivers and whatever is absolutely necessary for Windows. To do this, rename the autoexec.bat file to autoexec.old and remove from the config.sys file all unnecessary drivers. For instance, WordPerfect Office v. 3.1's Notify TSR may prevent a DOS application from releasing the lockset. 7. Remove items from the Windows Startup group and test. 8. Check the PC's win.ini file's load= statement. Test with only SMRAGENT and NWPOPUP on the load= statement. 9. Check if the old SiteLock NLM is simultaneously loaded with Sitemetr.nlm and Smrproxy.nlm. This could have disastrous results. If the Sitelock.nlm is loaded, REMOVE the Sitelock.nlm from the fileserver's memory and the autoexec.ncf file. 10. Recreate the lockset. Go Metering, Currently Metered Applications and delete the entry for the software package that will not meter. Then add the entry back into the metering database and retest. 11. QEMM v. 7.01. Can't release a lockset for an application that is called off an attached server due to QEMM v. 7.01. The workaround is to remove the LOADHI command from the SHELL= line in the workstation's CONFIG.SYS. QEMM's v7.xx of Optimize places this LOADHI command on the SHELL= line. Apparently, previous versions of Optimize did not do this. 12. DR DOS v. 6.0. It is suspected that you can't release a lockset on a PC running DR DOS v. 6.0. Use a different type of DOS. 13. Check if the user is loading SMRAGENT.EXE dated 2-14-94 with a byte count of 29,776. This version of SMRAGENT had a problem releasing locksets. Have the user get SMRUP2.EXE which contains the latest SMRAGENT.EXE file (4-01-94). NOTE: This problem also applied to DOS applications run under Windows. 14. NET-PROT. It is possible that with the NETPROT.NLM v. 1.23 loaded, intermittently locksets do not release or SiteMeter fails to meter. Results from in-house testing revealed that locksets on DOS applications are not released. This only seems to occur if an active virus scan is being performed by Net-Prot. Locksets on Windows applications seem to meter fine but will occasionally not be released. This does not seem to follow any pattern. However, if an active virus scan is being performed by Net-Prot, SiteMeter will NOT release locksets. This issue is currently under investigation. 30.4 SMRUP Patches This section describes the various patches available for SiteMeter. SMRNLM.EXE 73,092 6-02-94 SMRNLM.EXE only contains the current SiteMeter NLMs, current SMRAGENT.EXE file and the current SITEMETR.MSG file (along with a read me file SMRNLM.DOC). SMRNLM.EXE supports versions of SiteMeter v. 4.00 or greater. The updated version of SMRAGENT.EXE included here addresses an "out of memory" message that could display in Windows (Occurred with SMRAGENT 3-09-94). If a user needs only the current NLMs or SMRAGENT, SMRNLM.EXE is the file to use. * 351108 05-04-94 12:12 SITEMETR.NLM * 21168 04-01-94 13:26 SMRAGENT.EXE * 74972 05-04-94 12:18 SMRPROXY.NLM * 1439 02-10-94 10:29 SITEMETR.MSG * 3557 06-02-94 SMRNLM.DOC Other items SMRNLM.EXE addresses: 1. Sometimes cannot meter or virus protect applications run from a map rooted drive. 2. SMRPROXY NLM cannot be loaded without first disabling NetWare Accounting. 3. The fileserver would sometimes abend upon a DOWN command. 4. Sometimes a SPX socket problem occurred with SMRAGENT 8-17-93. This sometimes occurred with other programs that open SPX sockets inside Windows such as a mail TSR or Windows For Workgroups. Symptoms include, "SiteMeter agent Error 7: There was an IPX Problem communicating with server" or "Wcnwlib error: Unexpected error opening socket" or PC lock ups. This problem also results in "Error 001: cannot communicate with VAP or NLM" with the SiteLock Swrap feature. 5. IPX Traffic. Sometimes when the 7-20-93 Sitemetr.nlm and the 8-5-93 Smrproxy.nlm were loaded, fileserver utilization might increase and possibly no one could login. 6. Locksets were not released with SMRAGENT 2-14-94, byte count 29,776. 7. When INSTALL is loaded at the fileserver, the fileserver would sometimes abend (occurred with SITEMETR.NLM 2-13-94 and SMRPROXY.NLM 2-14-94). SMRUP3.EXE 05-25-94 1,788,902 11:48a On 5-25-94 the SMRUP2.EXE patch was released. IT IS ONLY APPLICABLE TO SITEMETER v. 4.10 USERS. IT IS NOT APPLICABLE TO SITEMETER v. 4.00 USERS. SMRUP3 is a self-extracting file dated 5-25-94 and contains the following files: * READ1ST.TXT 9,714 05-18-94 11:27a * SITEMTR.EXE 1,774,855 05-17-94 5:17p SITEMTR.EXE consists of the following files: * DPRODREG.EXE 77,437 03-18-94 2:10p; used for serialization only * FIELD .DDF 55,296 04-28-94 11:27a * FILE .DDF 7,680 04-28-94 11:27a * SITEMETR.EXE 1,175,568 05-09-94 5:54p * FUSION .CFG 55 11-15-93 7:05p; used for serialization only * INDEX .DDF 11,776 04-28-94 11:27a * NWCALLS .DLL 146,544 11-02-93 2:30p * NWIPXSPX.DLL 38,544 11-02-93 5:47p * NWLOCALE.DLL 38,576 11-02-93 6:12p * NWNET .DLL 205,104 11-02-93 5:12p * NWNETAPI.DLL 106,884 01-07-93 1:31p * SERIAL .BAT 32 03-17-94 4:33p; used for serialization only * SITEMETR.NLM 351,108 05-04-94 12:12p * SMRAGENT.EXE 21,168 04-01-94 1:26p * SMRPROXY.NLM 74,972 05-04-94 12:18p * US_AD .RPT 17,008 03-22-94 4:57p * VENDOR .LIS 1,745 03-31-93 11:36a * UFLBWRKS.DLL 32,640 05-03-94 05:03p * CHISHWSV.RPT 25,951 05-04-94 02:51p * CHISHWMC.RPT 23,809 05-04-94 03:03p * CHISHWPC.RPT 25,423 05-04-94 11:05a * UPF .RPT 9,562 03-22-94 04:39a * US .RPT 14,949 03-22-94 04:44p * US_AS .RPT 15,853 03-24-94 04:05p * SPA .RPT 7,942 03-22-94 04:35p * SWINAPP .EXE 49,680 05-04-94 12:06p * SREPORT .EXE 116,752 05-09-94 05:30p * SYSMOD .EXE 44,192 05-04-94 12:08p * USAGE .EXE 130,064 05-04-94 01:44p * SDUPDATE.EXE 136,736 05-04-94 11:55p * SA_EQUIP.EXE 272,421 05-02-94 04:35p * WSDUPD .EXE 21,504 05-04-94 12:03p * EQUIP .EXE 174,607 05-02-94 04:17p * CRW .EXE 1,768,448 05-04-94 04:56p * QUICKST .WRI 17,536 05-09-94 10:37a; a guide to getting started * DELID .EXE 16,318 05-04-94 11:35a * SPF .RPT 9,622 03-22-94 04:38p * AS_UD .RPT 18,218 03-22-94 03:36p * AS .RPT 14,318 03-22-94 03:38p * AS_US .RPT 16,592 03-22-94 04:13p * WSREPOT .RPT 26,961 04-22-94 04:51p * METERDEF.RPT 7,416 03-23-94 05:03p * BDIABOUT.DLL 424,464 05-11-94 12:34p * SMRXPORT.DLL 67,628 04-17-94 04:46p * README .TXT 36,144 05-13-94 01:37p; updated with the new changes * SMR .BAT 158 05-17-94 02:26p; to remove old files SITEMTR.EXE contains updated NLMs, DLLs, and EXEs for BrightWorks v1.0.1, LAN Inventory 3.1.1 and SiteMeter v4.1.1. (Please note that the NLMs and SMRAGENT.EXE included here are the same versions of those files that are contained within FUSUP3.EXE of PCVEND LIB3). The updated version of SMRAGENT.EXE included here addresses an "out of memory" message that could display in Windows (Occurred with SMRAGENT 3-09-94). Also included in SITEMTR.EXE are updated Data Dictionaries (DDFs). These DDFs now combine Inventory and Metering data structures into the same group of definition files. In addition, an update to the canned Metering report "Application Use with User Detail" (US_AD.RPT) addresses an issue wherein the Date could appear in the Time Out field. It also includes an updated message file for the SiteMeter NLMs. The following list details what other fixes are included in this patch. These errors sometimes occurred with SiteMeter v. 4.0 and the patches released up to, but not including, SiteMeter v. 4.1: 1. Sometimes cannot meter or virus protect applications run from a map rooted drive. 2. SMRPROXY NLM cannot be loaded without first disabling NetWare Accounting. 3. The fileserver would sometimes abend upon a DOWN command. 4. Sometimes a SPX socket problem occurred with SMRAGENT 8-17-93. This sometimes occurred with other programs that open SPX sockets inside Windows such as a mail TSR or Windows For Workgroups. Symptoms include, "SiteMeter agent Error 7: There was an IPX Problem communicating with server" or "Wcnwlib error: Unexpected error opening socket" or PC lock ups. This problem also results in "Error 001: cannot communicate with VAP or NLM" with the SiteLock Swrap feature. 5. IPX Traffic. Sometimes when the 7-20-93 Sitemetr.nlm and the 8-5-93 Smrproxy.nlm were loaded, fileserver utilization might increase and possibly no one could login. 6. Locksets were not released with SMRAGENT 2-14-94, byte count 29,776. 7. When INSTALL is loaded at the fileserver, the fileserver would sometimes abend (occurred with SITEMETR.NLM 2-13-94 and SMRPROXY.NLM 2-14-94). SiteMeter v. 4.1.1 contains these updated files: * SMRPROXY.NLM 74,972 5-04-94 * SITEMETR.NLM 351,108 5-04-94 * SMRAGENT.EXE 21,168 4-01-94 * SITEMETR.MSG 1,439 2-10-94 30.5 SiteMeter Reports (Sreport.exe) As of this writing, SREPORT.EXE 5-9-94, 116,752 bytes is the current SiteMeter Report file. It ships with SiteMeter v. 4.1.1. It is available in a patch file SMRRPT3.EXE which is on Compuserve, GO BRIGHT, LIB 3. 1. "Sreport caused a GPF in module DLWBC31.DLL". A General Protection Fault error occurs when a user Exports a 65K or greater Sitedata file to non-btrieve format (i.e., Excel, etc.). This is an open issue currently under investigation. To workaround the issue, rename the Sitedata file before it reaches 65K in size. 2. Btrieve error code 20, cannot run Sreport". This means that SREPORT.EXE detected that Btrieve was not loaded properly. a. Local Btrieve or brequest.exe are INDEED not loaded. b. SPX is not loaded (when using brequest and server btrieve. IPXODI has the option of disabling SPX. Enable SPX). Make sure IPXODI is NOT loaded with a /d or /a switch. /d prevents IPXODI from loading SPX. c. BSPXCOM.NLM is not loaded. d. Ensure that VIPX.386 is version 1.17 or later if IPXODI is being loaded high. If VIPX.386 is version 1.1 and IPXODI is loaded high, the SPX could fail and cause the BTRIEVE error 20. e. Make sure the NOVDB.INI file exists in the \Windows directory. f. If the user is attached to multiple fileservers, have them log into just the one server where SiteMeter/BrightWorks is installed. 3. Sreport caused a GPF in module CRPE.DLL @ 0026:0A03". Resolved by SREPORT 5-9-94, byte count 116,752. Get SMRUP3.EXE file from Compuserve. 4. No information shows in a SiteMeter report done for a date range of one day. For a workaround, do a report with a date range greater than one day. This is an open issue that is currently being investigated. 5. Peaks calculation problem. Resolved by SREPORT 5-9-94, byte count 116,752. Get SMRUP3.EXE file from Compuserve. 6. "Unanticipated Btrieve Error #1". User gets this error if they use Brequest v. 6.10d. This error also occurs with BREQUEST.EXE v6.10e. Use Brequest v. 6.10c, or later, instead. Btrieve v. 6.10c is available on Compuserve. GO NOVLIB, Library 7 and download the file BTR61.EXE. 7. Negative number problem. User gets negative numbers in the report data. First addressed by SREPORT 3-24-94. Get SMRUP3.EXE file from Compuserve. 8. An update to the "canned" report file US_AD.RPT resolved an issue wherein the Date could appear in the "Time Out" field of the "Application Use with User Detail" report. First addressed on 3-15-94. Get SMRUP3.EXE file from Compuserve. 9. The "Defined Limit" field of the Metering Definitions could reflect an incorrect value. First resolved with 3-24-94 Sreport. Get SMRUP3.EXE file from Compuserve. 10. A GPF that could be caused by UFLSAMP1.DLL. First resolved with Sreport 3-24-94. Get SMRUP3.EXE file from Compuserve. 11. The SMRPT2.EXE file included updated .dll files so as to be in sync with the same files that existed in the Fusion v1.00 package and in FUSUP2.EXE patch file on Compuserve, LIB3, PCVEND. SMRUP3.EXE patch contains these files as well. 12. GPF caused by UNIDRV.DLL. SiteMeter reports would give a GPF in UNIDRV.DLL when the Printer Icon was used to print from an open report window and the user then exited and re-entered the SiteMeter reports. This is an OPEN issue. The workaround is to either close all of the open report windows before exiting SiteMeter Reports or to have the user downgrade to an earlier version of UNIDRV.DLL. 13. Corrupt Sitedata file? When the SiteMeter Reports fail, another possibility is that the SITEDATA file has become corrupt (or SITEDATA does not exist because no one has been metered yet and caused SITEDATA to be created by the NLMs). A quick method of verifying this is to divide the byte size of the Sitedata file by 49. If the result is not a round number, the file is corrupt. The Sitedata Debugger program may be used to fix the file. To have the Debugger come up in SREPORT, create a SREPORT.INI file in the \WINDOWS directory. It should contain, [Debug] Enabled=1 file type=10 An alternative is to send the Sitedata file to McAfee East Tech Support by Compuserve or the mail so we can fix it with the Sitedata Debugger program. 30.6 BTRIEVE This section contains common SiteMeter Btrieve errors and solutions. 1. "Btrieve record manager inactive". Have the user type PATH. This will show all of their search drives. Then have the user do a dir on WBTRCALL.DLL in each of the search drives. If they come across another copy of WBTRCALL.DLL it means the user may be loading the wrong WBTRCALL.DLL file for Btrieve. 2. User runs the SiteMeter reports and gets "Unable to allocate memory for Btrieve". This error is caused by not having enough free conventional memory. a. Load BREQUEST in the WINSTART.BAT file so it does not load in conventional memory. b. Free up some conventional memory and restart (i.e. remove TSRs, etc.). It has been reported that about 508K of free memory is needed to run the SiteMeter Reports. 3. User runs the SiteMeter Reports and gets "Page Size Error - Btrieve error 24". a. The user must run BREQUEST or BTRIEVE at the workstation. b. Free up memory. Load items high (LSL, NIC driver, etc.) and/or load BREQUEST into high memory by loading it in the WINSTART.BAT file. 30.7 SiteMeter Agent This section describes what to do if you get the following error: SITEMETER AGENT ERROR 10: CURRENT VERSION OF THE NETWARE API DLLS IS NOT FULLY COMPATIBLE WITH IPX DRIVER LOADED. UNABLE TO LOAD. 1. SMRAGENT requires the NetWare drivers to be loaded in order to load. Ensure that that at least the following versions, at a minimum, are loaded: * IPX 3.10 * NETX 3.26 * IPXODI 2.10 * LSL 2.01 2. If TBMI or TBMI2 is loaded the problem may occur (TBMI may be loaded for IBM 3270 emulation). 3. If the user has not loaded the network drivers, r.e. laptop PCs, the error may occur. 4. Xircom pocket adapters may fail with SMRAGENT. 5. May be bringing up Windows in Standard Mode (check Program Manager, Help, About). Bring up Windows in 386 Enhanced mode. 6. Check if the user is loading TSR's for the Compustat Financial Services database CD ROM: NETUIPX.COM, WNETQSR.COM & MSCDEX.EXE. Have them load swatcher and Swinapp on the PC instead of smragent. 7. Check if VIPX.386 exists on the network= line of the SYSTEM.INI file. Under the [386 Enh] section. 8. If all else fails, have the user try re-installing Windows for that PC. 30.7 Changing the SiteMeter Messages A user may request to change the text of a message in SiteMeter. The method to do this is to go into the SYS:SYSTEM\SITEMETR directory (or wherever the Home Directory For Data Files are located. Go Administration, Metering, Configuration Options). Then have the user make a backup of the SITEMETR.MSG file. They can then use a text editor to change the messages. Then the user must reload the SiteMeter NLMs. 31.0 Equipment Database This appendix discusses and provides examples of the following: o equipment inventory record types and their contents o information collected by the EQUIP.EXE program 31.1 Equipment Inventory Records Equipment inventory records are displayed by choosing the Inventory command from the View menu. The detailed inventory information that displays for each record depends on the record type. Record types consist of file server, MAC, PC workstation, and spare parts. The fields displayed for each type are listed below: o Fields Displayed For File Servers - Computer Information (Serial Number, Network Operating System, CPU, Memory) - Volumes - Physical Drives - LAN Adapter Information - Software Applications - Miscellaneous Equipment o Fields Displayed For MACs - Computer Information (Appletalk Version, CPU, Finder Version, Floating Point Unit, Keyboard, Memory, Model, ROM Size, ROM Version, System Version) - Slot Adapter/Drivers - Monitors - Floppy Drives - Mounted Volumes - SCSI Devices - Software Applications - Miscellaneous Equipment o Fields Displayed For PC Workstations - Computer Information (Model, Bios, Bios Date, Brand, BUS, CMOS, Clock Frequency, CPU, Operating System and Version) - Mass Storage - Keyboard/Display - Ports - Network Adapter - Memory - Software Applications - System Files - Miscellaneous Equipment o Fields Displayed For Spare Parts - Computer Information (Memory, CPU, Serial Number, Network Operating System) - Miscellaneous Information 32.0 Using Brequest This appendix discusses the use and configuration of the server-based Btrieve record manager, BREQUEST. 32.1 Using the Btrieve NLM The Btrieve record manager must be loaded before running the BrightWorks EQUIP program. It is highly recommended that you use the server-based BREQUEST program while running EQUIP. This appendix offers recommendations on setting up and using the Btrieve NLM. NOTE: a - When using BREQUEST, version 6.10 or greater is required. b - When using BREQUEST, BSPXCOM must also be loaded on the fileserver. For details on loading these programs, refer to your Novell documentation. 32.1.1 Using the NLM with EQUIP Using BREQUEST, as opposed to BTRIEVE, will improve the performance of data collection, auditing and reporting by at least 50% and as much as 500%. An additional advantage is the savings in local (client) memory*BTRIEVE.EXE can occupy from 50-85K of conventional memory, whereas BREQUEST.EXE can occupy approximately 31-45K. The exact amount of memory required for both programs depend on the specified command line parameters. Use the following procedure to configure the Btrieve NLM. 1. To configure the NLM, run BSETUP.NLM. At the file server console prompt, type: LOAD BSETUP 2. Choose Set Btrieve Configuration to verify that the following options are defined. The values provided below are the minimum values required; your current values may be set higher. o Number of Open Files: = 22 (default = 20) o Number of Transactions: = 1 (default = 0) o Largest Record Size: = 17000 (default = 8192) o Largest Page Size: = 4096 (default = 4096) NOTE: All other BSETUP options can remain unchanged. 3. Save the configuration, and exit BSETUP. BSETUP writes the configuration changes to the BSTART.NCF file. The changes do not take effect until the next time the Btrieve NLM is loaded. 4. To load the NLM, run BSTART. At the file server console prompt, type: BSTART BSTART is an NCF file which loads both BTRIEVE.NLM and BSPXCOM.NLM. 5. To unload the Btrieve NLM, issue the BSTOP command. If the Btrieve NLM was loaded when changes were made in BSETUP, you need to unload Btrieve and then reload the NLMs in order for the changes to take effect. For example, at the console prompt, type: BSTOP BSTART 32.2 Using Brequest in a Login Script To ensure that EQUIP is executed on a regular basis, the EQUIP command can be placed in your system login script. Because the Btrieve database must be loaded before running EQUIP, a Btrieve command must also be placed in the login script. EQUIP executes much faster when used in conjunction with Brequest and the BTRIEVE NLM; therefore, the login script should contain the BREQUEST.EXE command. The following example illustrates how EQUIP can be run from the system login script, using BREQUEST. Comments are indicated in the text between the angle brackets. MAP F:=FS/SYS:Fusion DRIVE F: #BREQUEST /D:17000 #EQUIP #ENDBTRV NOTES: a - Loading SPX - All BrightWorks modules require SPX to be loaded at each workstation. Brequest communicates with BSPXCOM.NLM via SPX. BSPXCOM, in turn, passes all requests from Brequest to the BTRIEVE NLM. If SPX is not loaded at a workstation, that workstation has no communication whatsoever with the Btrieve record manager. If you have loaded Brequest and are getting "BTRIEVE Record Manager Not Loaded" messages, make sure that SPX is loaded. This normally only becomes an issue on workstations that load the ODI drivers because the ODI drivers can optionally load SPX. b - Brequest /D switch - The /D: parameter specifies the size of the "data message buffer length." This buffer refers to the maximum record size that the NLM will transmit to the workstation. This switch should be set to 17000 for the purposes of BrightWorks. c - Brequest /L switch - When running SDUPDATE.EXE in a DOS box, you must load another session of BREQUEST by entering the following command: BREQUEST /D:17000 /L After running the program, end the additional session by issuing the ENDBTRV command. d - Brequest Error 87 - If you receive an "Error 87" from Btrieve while using Brequest, increase the 'Number Of Open Files' setting in BSETUP. 32.3 Using the Btrieve VAP All of the options and suggestions regarding the Btrieve NLM also apply to the Btrieve VAP. The BSETUP parameters, Brequest parameters, and Windows requester initialization settings are identical. NOTE: When using the Btrieve VAP, the file server needs to be rebooted in order for any changes in BSETUP to take effect. 33.0 Btrieve Status Codes This appendix lists the return status codes for Novell's Btrieve Record Manager. 33.1 Btrieve Status Codes Btrieve returns a status code after each operation an application performs. If the operation was successful, Btrieve returns status code 0. If the operation was not successful, Btrieve will return one of the nonzero status codes described in this section. If Btrieve returns a code that is not contained in this section, refer to your Btrieve Installation and Operation Manual for error codes from the utilities. 01 INVALID OPERATION The operation parameter specified in the call is invalid. 02 I/O ERROR An error occurred during disk read/write. This status code indicates that the file has been damaged and must be recreated, or that the file specified on the open call was not created. This status code also occurs if the application passed an invalid position block. 03 FILE NOT OPEN The operation cannot execute because the file is not open. A successful Open operation must be performed before Btrieve can process any other operations. This status code may also occur if the application passed an invalid position block for the file. 04 KEY VALUE NOT FOUND The specified key value in the index path was not found. 05 DUPLICATE KEY VALUE A record with a key field containing a duplicate key value cannot be added to an index that does not allow duplicate values. 06 INVALID KEY NUMBER The value stored in the key number parameter was not valid for the file being accessed. The key number must correspond to one of the keys defined when the file was created or to a supplemental index. 07 DIFFERENT KEY NUMBER The key number parameter changed before a Get Next, Get Next Extended, Get Previous, Get Previous Extended, Update, or Delete operation. The operation specified requires the same key number parameter as the previous operation because Btrieve uses positioning information relative to the previous key number. If you need to change key numbers between consecutive Get Next, Get Next Extended, Get Previous, or Get Previous Extended operations, use a Get Position operation followed by a Get Direct operation to re-establish positioning for the new index path. 08 INVALID POSITIONING The current position must be established to update or delete a record. Perform a Get or Step operation to establish the current position. This status code may also occur if the application passed an invalid position block for the file. 09 END-OF-FILE The operation tried to read past the file boundaries (end-of-file or start-of-file). When reading a file in ascending order according to an index path, Btrieve returns the last record in that index path. When reading a file in descending order according to an index path, Btrieve returns the first record in the index path. The Get Extended and Step Extended operations return this status code if the number of records satisfying the filtering condition is less than the number of specified records to be returned and the reject count has not been reached. 10 MODIFIABLE KEY VALUE ERROR The operation tried to modify a key field which is defined as non-modifiable. 11 INVALID FILENAME The filename specified does not conform to file naming conventions. 12 FILE NOT FOUND The filename specified does not exist. Check the key buffer parameter to make sure the pathname is terminated with a blank or a binary zero. 13 EXTENDED FILE ERROR Btrieve could not find the extension file for an extended file which the application tried to open. Extension files must be loaded on the logical disk drive specified when the extension was created. Both the primary file and its extension file must be on-line to access an extended file. 14 PRE-IMAGE OPEN ERROR The pre-image file could not be created or opened. There are three possible causes for this error. - Btrieve could not create a new pre-image file because your disk directory is full. Btrieve must be able to create a pre-image file. - Btrieve could not open the pre-image file to restore file integrity. If the pre-image file was erased or damaged, Btrieve cannot restore the file's integrity. In this case, either use the RECOVER command in the BUTIL utility to retrieve the damaged file's data records in a sequential file, or replace the file with its most recent backup. - Btrieve could not assign a handle to the pre-image file because the Btrieve was not started by a user with access rights to the pre-image file. 15 PRE-IMAGE I/O ERROR An I/O error occurred during the pre-imaging function. Either the disk is full or the pre-image file is damaged. - If the disk is full, erase any unnecessary files or extend the file to gain additional disk space. - If the pre-image file is damaged, the integrity of the Btrieve file cannot be ensured. Either use the RECOVER command in the BUTIL utility to retrieve the damaged file's data records in a sequential file, or replace the file with its most recent backup. 16 EXPANSION ERROR An error occurred while writing the directory structure to disk prior to the creation of the expanded file partition. Either Btrieve could not close the file, or a new page was added to the file and Btrieve could not close and reopen the file to update the directory structure. Check for a disk hardware failure. 17 CLOSE ERROR An error occurred while writing the directory structure to disk prior to closing the file. Either Btrieve could not close the file, or a new page was added to the file and Btrieve could not close and reopen the file to update the directory structure. Check for a disk hardware failure. This status code also occurs if the application passed an invalid position block for the file. 18 DISK FULL The disk is full and the file could not be expanded to accommodate the insertion. Either erase any unnecessary files or extend the file to gain additional disk space. 19 UNRECOVERABLE ERROR An unrecoverable error has occurred. File integrity cannot be ensured. Either use the RECOVER command in the BUTIL utility to retrieve the damaged file's data records in a sequential file, or replace the Btrieve with its most recent backup. 20 RECORD MANAGER INACTIVE A request has been made before the Record Manager has been started. Restart the Record Manager. In network environments, the operation was not processed because BREQUEST was not loaded. Reload BREQUEST. 21 KEY BUFFER TOO SHORT The key buffer parameter was not long enough to accommodate the key field for the index path requested. Verify that the length of the key buffer equals the defined length of the key specified in the key number parameter. This status code can be returned only by certain interfaces. 22 DATA BUFFER LENGTH The data buffer parameter was not long enough to accommodate the length of the data record defined when the file was created. Verify that the length of the data buffer is at least as long as the file's defined record length. - For Get or Step operations, if the data buffer is too short to contain the fixed length portion of the record, Btrieve does not return any data to the data buffer. If the record is a variable length record and the data buffer is too short to contain the entire variable length portion of the record, Btrieve returns as much data as it can and a status code 22, indicating that it could not return the entire record. - For the Insert operation, Btrieve does not insert the record if the data buffer is shorter than the fixed length portion of the record. - For the Update operation, if the data buffer is too short to contain the fixed length portion of any record, Btrieve does not update the record. - For the Create, Stat, and Create Supplemental Index operations, a status code 22 indicates that the data buffer is not long enough to contain all the file and key specifications, and the alternate collating sequence definition, if specified. 23 POSITION BLOCK LENGTH The position block parameter was not 128 bytes long. This error can only be detected using certain language interfaces. 24 PAGE SIZE ERROR The page size was invalid. The page size must be a multiple of 512 bytes but must be no larger than 4096 bytes. To solve this, run or load BSETUP at the file server and change the page size to 4096 and the loargest record size to 17000. Refer to Chapter 32 for more information. 25 CREATE I/O ERROR The file specified could not be created. Possible causes are a full disk directory or a full disk. If you are creating a file over an existing file, Btrieve returns this status code if the existing file is open or the operating system does not allow the creation for some other reason (for example, a NetWare file is flagged transactional). 26 NUMBER OF KEYS The number of keys specified for the page size was invalid. For standard Btrieve files with a page size of 512 bytes, the number of key segments must be between 1 and 8. For larger page sizes, the number of key segments must be between 1 and 24. You must define at least one key without the null attribute. 27 INVALID KEY POSITION The key field position specified exceeded the defined record length for the file. Either the key position was greater than the record length or the key position plus the key length exceeded the record length. For key-only files, the key must begin in the first byte of the record (position 1). 28 INVALID RECORD LENGTH The record length was invalid. The record length specified (plus overhead for duplicates) must be less than or equal to the page size minus 6 or greater than or equal to 4 bytes long. 29 INVALID KEY LENGTH The key length was invalid. The key length specified must be greater than zero and cannot exceed 255. The length of a binary key must be even. Btrieve requires that each key page in the file is large enough to hold at least eight keys. If the page size is too small to accommodate eight occurrences of the specified key length (plus overhead), either increase the file's page size, or decrease the key length. 30 NOT A BTRIEVE FILE The filename specified is not a valid Btrieve file. Either the file was not created by Btrieve, or it was created by an earlier version of Btrieve. Another possibility is that the first page of the file, which contains the File Control Record, is damaged. 31 FILE ALREADY EXTENDED The file specified has already been extended. A file can be extended only once. 32 EXTEND I/O ERROR The file could not be extended. Possible causes are that the directory is full, the disk is full, or the disk is write protected. 34 INVALID EXTENSION NAME The filename specified for the extended partition was invalid. 35 DIRECTORY ERROR An error occurred while changing to the directory that contains the Btrieve file. Either the drive specified in the Get Directory operation does not exist or the pathname specified in a Set Directory operation was invalid. 36 TRANSACTION ERROR A Begin Transaction operation could not be performed because no transactions were specified when the Btrieve was initialized. 37 TRANSACTION IS ACTIVE A Begin Transaction was issued while another transaction was active at that station. Transactions cannot be nested. 38 TRANSACTION CONTROL FILE I/O ERROR An error occurred when Btrieve tried to write to the transaction control file. Possible causes were that the disk was full, the disk was write protected, or the transaction control file (which was created when the Btrieve was loaded) was deleted. 39 END/ABORT TRANSACTION ERROR An End or Abort Transaction operation was issued without a corresponding Begin Transaction operation. 40 TRANSACTION MAX FILES The application tried to update more than the maximum number of files allowed within a transaction. The maximum number of different files that can be updated during a logical transaction is set when Btrieve is configured. Refer to your Btrieve Installation and Operation manual for more information on configuration. 41 OPERATION NOT ALLOWED The application tried to perform an operation that is not allowed at this time. Some operations are not allowed under certain operating conditions. For example, Btrieve returns this status code if you attempt to perform a Step, Update, or Delete operation on a key-only file or a Get operation on a data only file. lso, certain operations are prohibited during transactions because they have too great an effect on the pre-image file or on Btrieve's performance. These operations include Close, Set or Clear Owner, Extend, Create Supplemental Index, and Drop Supplemental Index. 42 INCOMPLETE ACCELERATED ACCESS The application tried to open a file that was previously accessed in accelerated mode and never successfully closed. The file's integrity cannot be ensured. Either use the RECOVER command in the BUTIL utility to build a new file or restore the file using the latest backup. 43 INVALID RECORD ADDRESS The record address specified for a Get Direct operation was invalid. The address is outside of the file's boundaries; it is not on a record boundary within a data page, or on a data page. The 4-byte address you specify for a Get Direct operation should be one that was obtained by a Get Position operation. 44 NULL KEY PATH The application tried to use the Get Direct operation to establish an index path for a key whose value is null in the corresponding record. Btrieve cannot establish positioning based on a null key value. 45 INCONSISTENT KEY FLAGS The key flags specification on a Create operation was inconsistent. If a key has multiple segments, the duplicate, modifiable, and null attributes should be the same for each segment in the key. 46 ACCESS TO FILE DENIED The application opened a file in read-only mode and tried to perform an Update, Delete, or Insert on that file. Another possible cause is that the owner name required for updates was not specified correctly when you opened the file. 47 MAXIMUM OPEN FILES The number of files opened in accelerated mode exceeded the number of buffers available in Btrieve's cache. When a file is opened in accelerated mode, Btrieve reserves one of its cache buffers for the file. Btrieve always reserves five empty buffers for index manipulation. Reconfigure the Btrieve Record Manager with a smaller page size parameter to allocate more buffers. 48 INVALID ALTERNATE SEQUENCE DEFINITION The first byte of an alternate collating sequence definition (the identification byte) did not contain the hexadecimal value AC. 49 KEY TYPE ERROR The application tried to create a file or a supplemental index with an invalid extended key type, or tried to assign an alternate collating sequence to a binary key or key segment. You can only assign an alternate collating sequence to a string, lstring, or zstring key type. This status code is also returned if you define a supplemental index requiring an alternate collating sequence, and no alternate collating sequence definition exists either in the file or in the key definition passed in the data buffer. 50 OWNER ALREADY SET The application tried to perform a Set Owner operation on a file that already has an owner. Use the Clear Owner operation to remove the previous owner before specifying a new one. 51 INVALID OWNER There are two possible causes for this status code: - If your application received this status code after a Set Owner operation, the owner names specified in the key buffer and data buffer did not match. - If your application received this status code after an Open operation, the file you tried to open has an owner name assigned to it. Your application must specify the correct owner name in the data buffer. 52 ERROR WRITING CACHE While trying to make a cache buffer available, Btrieve tried to write data to a logical disk drive from a file that was previously opened in accelerated mode. An I/O error occurred during a write. 53 INVALID INTERFACE An application tried to access a file containing variable length records with a language interface from Btrieve v3.15 or earlier. To access files with variable length records, you must use v4.xx or later interface. 54 VARIABLE PAGE ERROR During a Step Direct operation, Btrieve could not read all or part of the variable length portion of a record. In this case, Btrieve returns as much data as possible to your application. This error usually indicates file damage to one or more pages in the file. 55 AUTOINCREMENT ERROR The application tried to specify either the segmented or duplicate attribute for an autoincrement key type. An autoincrement key cannot be part of another key and cannot allow duplicates. 56 INCOMPLETE INDEX A supplemental index was damaged. This can occur if a Create Supplemental Index operation or a Drop Supplemental Index operation is interrupted and does not run to completion. Perform a Drop Supplemental Index operation to completely remove the index from the file. 57 EXPANDED MEMORY ERROR This error is applicable only in the client-based DOS environment. Btrieve returns this status if it receives an error from the Expanded Memory Manager. This error usually means that Btrieve was unable to save or restore the memory mapping register context, indicating an incompatibility with another application that uses expanded memory. 58 COMPRESSION BUFFER TOO SHORT The application tried to read or write a record that is longer than the value specified for the size of the compression buffer. Reconfigure the Btrieve Record Manager, specifying a higher value for the "Maximum Compressed Record Size" option. 59 FILE ALREADY EXISTS This status code is returned for the Create operation if you specified -1 in the key number parameter and the name of an existing file in the key buffer parameter. 60 REJECT COUNT REACHED Btrieve rejected the number of records specified by the reject count before an Extended Get/Step operation found the requested number of records which satisfy the filtering condition. Check the first two bytes of the data buffer returned for the number of records that were retrieved. 61 WORK SPACE TOO SMALL The Extended Get/Step operations use the pre-image buffer as work space. This error code indicates that the work space was not large enough to hold the filtering data buffer structure and the largest record to be received. The size of the work space is configurable (see the Btrieve Installation and Operation manual for more information). Check the first two bytes of the data buffer returned for the number of records that were retrieved. 62 INCORRECT DESCRIPTOR The descriptor (data buffer structure), which is passed for an extended Get or Step operation, is incorrect. 63 INVALID EXTENDED INSERT BUFFER Extended Insert provides an invalid buffer. Either the buffer length is less than five bytes, or the number of records specified is zero. 64 FILTER LIMIT REACHED During an Extended Get Next/Previous operation, a rejected record was reached. Furthermore, this rejected record is such that no other record can satisfy the given filtering condition, going in the direction specified by the operation. This is applicable only if the key specified by the key number is also used as the filtering field. 65 INCORRECT FIELD OFFSET The field offset in the extractor of an Extended Get/Step is invalid based on the length of the retrieved record. 74 AUTOMATIC TRANSACTION ABORT This is an informative status code and is applicable only in the server-based environment. Btrieve replaced an End Transaction operation with an Abort Transaction because an error had been detected for a TTS file inside the transaction. In addition, Btrieve executed the Abort Transaction operation. 78 DEADLOCK DETECTED Btrieve detected a deadlock condition. The application should clear all resources (such as aborting or ending the transaction or releasing all record locks) before proceeding. This allows the other applications to access the resources for which they are waiting. 80 CONFLICT The Update or Delete operation could not be performed because the record was changed by another application since your application read the record. Reread the record prior to resending an Update or Delete operation. 81 LOCK ERROR This error can result from one of two conditions: - The Btrieve lock table was full. Decrease the number of locks that your application uses or reconfigure the Btrieve Record Manager and specify a higher value for the "Maximum Number of Record Locks" option. - The application tried to unlock one record that was locked with a multiple record lock, and the record position stored in the data buffer did not correspond with any record that was locked in that file. 82 LOST POSITION When performing a Get Next or Get Previous on a key with duplicates, the application tried to retrieve a record that was deleted or whose key value was modified by another application. Re-establish positioning using a Get Equal or a Get Direct operation. 83 READ OUTSIDE TRANSACTION The application tried to delete or update a record within a transaction, but the record was not read within the transaction. If you are going to update or delete a record within a transaction, you must read the record within the transaction to ensure you have first obtained exclusive access to the data. 84 RECORD LOCKED The application tried to apply a nowait lock on a record that was currently locked by another application, or to apply a nowait lock on a file while another application held active record lock(s) in that file. If this status code is returned, your application can use either of the following two methods: - Retry the operation until it is successful. Under light to moderate network use, this may be the simplest and quickest solution. - Use the wait option (+100/+300) instead of the nowait option. 85 FILE LOCKED The application tried to apply a nowait record or file lock while another application held the file locked. This status code is also returned when the application tries to open a file outside of a transaction and the file is locked by some other application. If this status code is returned, your application can use either of the following two methods: - Retry the operation until it is successful. Under light to moderate network use, this may be the simplest and quickest solution. - Use the wait option (+100/+300) instead of the nowait option. 86 FILE TABLE FULL Btrieve's file table was full. Reconfigure Btrieve and specify a higher value for the "Maximum Number of Open Files" option. 87 HANDLE TABLE FULL This status code is applicable only in the server-based and Windows environments. Btrieve's handle table was full. Reconfigure the Btrieve and specify a higher value for the "Maximum Number of File Handles" option. 88 INCOMPATIBLE MODE ERROR The application tried to open a file in an incompatible mode. If the first application to access a file opens it in accelerated mode, all other applications must open it in accelerated mode. If the first application to access a file opens it in non-accelerated mode, other applications cannot open the file in accelerated mode. 90 REDIRECTED DEVICE TABLE FULL This status code is applicable only in the server-based environment. BREQUEST's redirection table or server routing table was full. This occurs if you attach to additional servers or map to additional drives after you loaded BREQUEST. Reload BREQUEST, specifying a larger number for the "Number of File Servers" or "Number of Mapped Drives" options (/S and /R respectively). This error also occurs if you detach a particular server and attach to a different server. Once a workstation has attached to a server, BREQUEST will not remove its name from the server routing table. 91 SERVER ERROR This status code is applicable only in the server-based environment. BREQUEST could not establish a session with the server. In NetWare environments, either the NetWare Btrieve Record Manager has not been started or the server was not active. Verify that the NetWare Btrieve Record Manager is active on the server in question. 92 TRANSACTION TABLE FULL This status code is applicable only in the server-based environment. The maximum number of active transactions was exceeded. Reconfigure Btrieve and specify a higher value for the "Number of Concurrent Transactions" option. 93 INCOMPATIBLE LOCK TYPE Your application tried to mix single record locks (+100/+200) and multiple record locks (+300/+400) in the same file at the same time. All locks of one type must be released before a lock of the other type can be executed. 94 PERMISSION ERROR Your application tried to open or create a file in a directory without the proper privileges. Btrieve does not override the network privileges assigned to users. 95 SESSION NO LONGER VALID This status code is applicable only in the server-based environment. The previously established session was no longer active due to an error at the workstation, the file server, or on the network. Verify that your workstation is still attached to the file server and then reload BREQUEST. 96 COMMUNICATIONS ENVIRONMENT ERROR This status code is applicable only in the server-based environment. This code occurs when loading Btrieve on a NetWare server. The SPX connection table is full. Reload SPX, specifying a higher value for the connection table. Refer to the NetWare system documentation for more information. 97 DATA MESSAGE TOO SMALL This status code is applicable only in the server-based environment. Your application tried to read or write a record which was longer than the Btrieve Record Manager or BREQUEST could handle. Reconfigure the Btrieve Record Manager and specify a higher value for the "Maximum Record Length" option. Reload BREQUEST and specify a higher value for the /D option. - For an Update, Insert, or Create operation, the application receives this error if the data buffer length it specifies for the record exceeds the length specified for the Btrieve Record Manager or BSERVER. - For a Get, Step, or Stat operation, the application receives this error if the value specified for the data buffer length is shorter than the length of the data Btrieve would return, regardless of the data buffer length specified in the program. 98 INTERNAL TRANSACTION ERROR This status code is applicable only in the server-based environment. An error has been detected while executing a previous operation on a NetWare TTS file. Therefore, no operation other than Abort Transaction (21) is allowed at this point. 99 THE REQUESTER CANNOT ACCESS THE NETWARE RUNTIME SERVER The DOS Requester returns this status code when NetWare Runtime server support is enabled (/C:1) and the Requester either detects no existing connection or cannot find a valid login username. If the Requester cannot find a login username other than SUPERVISOR, there is no valid name to pass. 100 NO CACHE BUFFERS ARE AVAILABLE Btrieve has used all the cache buffers it allocated at load time. Using the Setup utility, you can increase the value for the Cache Allocation configuration option. Alternatively, you can change the Number of Remote Sessions configuration option to decrease the number of concurrent Btrieve users. For more information, refer to Chapter 3, "Installing and Configuring Btrieve," in the Btrieve Installation and Operation manual. 101 INSUFFICIENT OPERATING SYSTEM MEMORY IS AVAILABLE There is not enough operating system memory available to perform the requested operation. Decrease the value for the Cache Allocation configuration option (using the Setup utility), decrease the number of concurrent Btrieve users (using the Number of Remote Sessions configuration option in the Setup utility), or add memory to the server. For more information on the configuration options, refer to Chapter 3, "Installing and Configuring Btrieve," in the Btrieve Installation and Operation manual. 102 INSUFFICIENT STACK SPACE IS AVAILABLE Btrieve has run out of stack space. To increase the amount of stack space available to your application, relink the application, setting the stack size to a higher value. Only the NLM applications calling Btrieve on the local server get this message. 103 THE CHUNK OFFSET IS TOO BIG A Get Direct/Chunk operation has specified an offset beyond the end of the record, either explicitly or through the use of the next-in-record bias to the subfunction value. Unless Btrieve returns this status while processing the first chunk, the operation was partially successful. Check the data buffer length parameter immediately after the call to see how much data (and therefore how many chunks) Btrieve retrieved. This code can also be returned by the Update Chunk operation when the specified offset is more than one byte beyond the end of the record. However, in this situation, Status Code 103 indicates that Btrieve made no changes to the record. 104 THE LOCALE INFORMATION COULD NOT BE FOUND The Create or Create Index function returns this status code to indicate that the operating system was not able to return a collation table for the country ID and code page specified. Check that the application specified the locale's country ID and code page correctly and that the operating system is configured to support the country ID and code page. 105 THE FILE CANNOT BE CREATED WITH VARIABLE-TAIL ALLOCATION TABLES (VATS) The application specified that a Btrieve file should be created with Variable-tail Allocation Tables (VATs); however, the application failed to specify that the file was to use variable-length records (a precondition for files to use VATs). This status applies to key-only files as well as regular data files. 106 THE OPERATION CANNOT GET THE NEXT CHUNK The application called the Get Direct/Chunk operation to retrieve a chunk from a record and used the next-in-record bias on the descriptor subfunction. However, after the application established its positioning in the record (but prior to this call), the target record was deleted. 107 CHUNK UPDATES/RETRIEVALS CANNOT BE PERFORMED ON THE FILE The application tried to use either a Get Direct/Chunk operation or an Update Chunk operation on a pre-v6.0 formatted file. 33.2 Client-Based Btrieve for OS/2 and Windows Status Codes Client-based Btrieve may return the following status codes in an OS/2 or Windows environment. 1001 THE MULTIPLE LOCKS OPTION IS OUT OF RANGE The number specified for the Multiple Locks configuration option must be between 1 and 255, inclusive. 1002 BTRIEVE CANNOT ALLOCATE THE MEMORY NEEDED Make sure that the workstation has enough memory to load all the programs it requires. 1003 THE MEMORY SIZE IS TOO SMALL Make sure the value for the Memory Size configuration option is large enough to accommodate the required cache size. 1004 THE PAGE SIZE OPTION IS OUT OF RANGE The value of the Page Size configuration option must be an even multiple of 512, and it must be between 512 and 4,096, inclusive. 1005 THE PRE-IMAGE FILE DRIVE OPTION IS INVALID You must specify a valid drive letter for the Pre-Image File Drive configuration option. Note: Pre-image files are used only for files created by Btrieve versions earlier than v6.x, or by v6.x if it was loaded with the Create Btrieve Files in Pre v6.x Format configuration option set to Yes. 1006 THE PRE-IMAGE BUFFER SIZE OPTION IS OUT OF RANGE The Pre-Image Buffer Size configuration option must be between 1 and 64, inclusive. Note: Pre-image files are used only for files created by Btrieve versions earlier than v6.x, or by v6.x if it was loaded with the Create Btrieve Files in Pre v6.x Format configuration option set to Yes. 1007 THE OPEN FILES OPTION IS OUT OF RANGE The Open Files configuration option must be between 1 and 255, inclusive. 1008 THE CONFIGURATION OPTIONS ARE INVALID The configuration options specified contain invalid or unidentifiable values. For more information on configuration options, refer to the installation and operation manual for your operating environment. 1009 THE TRANSACTION FILENAME OPTION IS INVALID The filename specified for the Transaction Filename configuration option is not valid. Check to make sure that the transaction filename is correct. 1011 THE COMPRESSION BUFFER SIZE SPECIFIED IS OUT OF RANGE The Compression Buffer Size configuration option must be between 1 and 64, inclusive. 1013 THE TASK TABLE IS FULL (WINDOWS ONLY) The Btrieve DLL may return this status code if the task entry table is full. You can remedy this situation by increasing the number of available task entries; use the tasks initialization option (tasks=xxx) under the [BTRIEVE] or [BREQUESTDPMI] headings in NOVDB.INI. The minimum value for this option is 1; the maximum value is 255. 1014 THE APPLICATION ENCOUNTERED A STOP WARNING WBTRVSTOP () returns this status code if the application still has open files or an active transaction. The application must close all files and end all transactions before calling WBTRVSTOP (). 1015 A POINTER PARAMETER IS INVALID One of the pointer parameters passed into Btrieve is invalid. 1016 BTRIEVE IS ALREADY INITIALIZED The Btrieve DLL may return this status code if an attempt is made to initialize Btrieve when it is already initialized. To reinitialize Btrieve, close all files, end/abort all transactions, and call WBTRVSTOP () before calling the initialization function. 1017 THE BTRIEVE REQUESTER FOR WINDOWS CANNOT FIND WBTRVRES.DLL WBTRCALL.DLL returns this status code when it cannot find the resource file WBTRVRES.DLL. You can remedy this situation by placing a copy of the WBTRVRES.DLL file in the same directory as the WBTRCALL.DLL file. 33.3 Btrieve Requester Status Codes This section lists the status codes that the Btrieve Requesters may generate. 2001 THE MEMORY ALLOCATION IS INSUFFICIENT In an OS/2 environment, the Requester cannot allocate enough memory for the parameters specified with the BRQPARMS environment variable. In a DOS environment, reduce the value specified for the /D configuration option. 2002 THE OPTION IS INVALID OR OUT OF RANGE In an OS/2 environment, either one of the options specified with the BRQPARMS environment variable is invalid (such as /P instead of /D) or the value specified for a parameter is out of range. Check the SET BRQPARMS statements to make sure it is correct. 2003 THE REQUESTER DOES NOT ALLOW LOCAL ACCESS TO THE SPECIFIED FILE The application attempted to access a file stored on a local drive. The version of WBTRCALL.DLL installed at the workstation does not allow access to local files. 2004 SPX IS NOT INSTALLED Install the NetWare SPX v1.3 or later communications software for OS/2. 2005 AN INCORRECT VERSION OF SPX IS INSTALLED Install the NetWare SPX v1.3 or later communications software for OS/2. 2006 THERE IS NO AVAILABLE SPX CONNECTION SPX has already established the maximum number of sessions it can handle. To increase the maximum, edit the NET.CFG file. Refer to your NetWare documentation for more information on NET.CFG. 2007 A POINTER PARAMETER IS INVALID One of the pointer parameters passed to Btrieve is invalid. Check the program to ensure that the pointer parameters are correct. 34.0 NMS Smart-Launch Support This appendix provides instructions for enabling BrightWorks smart-launch within NMS. 34.1 Enabling BrightWorks Smart-Launch within NMS Many McAfee customers have expressed an interest in utilizing the McAfee network management applications as snap-in applications within the Novell NetWare Management System framework. In response to this request, McAfee has implemented support for NMS smart-launch with four of its currently shipping applications: BrightWorks, LAN nventory, SiteMeter and NETremote+. After following the instructions below, the user will be able to point at an object on an NMS map, select a McAfee command from the NMS Tools menu, and launch the selected McAfee application in a context-sensitive fashion. 34.1.1 Activating the Smart-Launch Feature Use the following procedure to activate the smart-launch feature. 1. Obtain the McAfee NMS Explorer disk. Contact your McAfee representative to obtain a copy of the "McAfee NMS Explorer" Disk. It is available free of charge. 2. Copy all files from the NMS Explorer disk. Two sets of files must be copied from this disk for later use, plus one other file must be created. a. Copy all of the program files (EXE, DLL) to a new directory (e.g., NMS\BDI2NMS) on your NMS console (not into the NMS directories!). NOTE: It is important to NOT copy these files into the NMS\BIN directory as some of the Novell DLLs that are shipped on this disk may not be the latest DLLs available from Novell for NMS. b. Copy the FUSION.OLF file from this disk into the NMS\OLF directory. The McAfee disk includes all .OLF files that are necessary for the smart-launch ready McAfee applications. The .OLF file prefixes match the McAfee product EXE names (e.g., for SiteMeter the relevant files are SITEMETR.EXE and, therefore, SITEMETR.OLF). c. Copy any icon in the NMS\ICONS directory to NULL.ICO. When the Novell OLF Introducer (see below) is run it will require a named icon (.ICO file) for each class introduction in case the icon were to show up on an NMS map. Since McAfee does not force one of its icons onto the map, no icons are shipped on this floppy. Any of the icons in that directory may be used as the source icon. 3. Introduce NMS to McAfee. Note that the Novell N-OLFI.EXE file must be in the NMS\BIN directory. a. Use Novell's OLF Introducer to add the McAfee classes to the NMS database. The Introducer takes .OLF files as input. As mentioned above, .OLF files for all smart-launch ready McAfee applications can be found on this disk. It is necessary only to introduce those applications that are installed to NMS. Choose the classes that you need for the McAfee applications that are desired. b. Run the OLF Introducer (N-OLFI.EXE). This latter program has no menu; by default it displays a standard Windows common dialog for opening a file. Browse to find the target McAfee .OLF file (e.g., FUSION.OLF, WLAI.OLF, SITEMETR.OLF, WNR.OLF), as appropriate. c. Run the Introducer once for each .OLF file, specifically for FUSION.OLF. HINT: By default the Introducer has no main window; therefore, any success/failure indications cannot be seen. Invoke N-OLFI.EXE with a -s switch (for "show") to see status messages regarding class introductions. The syntax is as follows: syntax: N-OLFI.EXE -s 4. Explore the NMS databases for nodes and servers. Run the McAfee BDI2NMS.EXE program included on this disk. This program requires no "setup," but it should be copied (as mentioned above) to its own directory. It requires several DLLs that are included on this diskette. These include the NWNETAPI.DLL and several of the N-*.DLLs from the NMS BIN directory. When you run BDI2NMS.EXE, you may either run the "Enable All" command or select a specific McAfee product, such as BrightWorks. BDI2NMS.EXE uses the NMS database APIs to search the NMS data for workstations and servers. Smart-launch is enabled for each McAfee product in the following manner: o SiteMeter - smart-launch is enabled for servers only o BrightWorks & LAI - smart-launch is enabled for all workstations and servers o NETremote+ - smart-launch is enabled for workstations only NOTE: McAfee COULD have implemented BDI2NMS.EXE so that it would cross-check the existence of inventory data or an installed SiteMeter NLM set before enabling the smart-launch on an individual basis. However, doing so would have made the software slower and would have also required the user to perform the NMS database query far more often than is necessary for normal use. To remove these settings within the NMS database, use the Disable All command to erase them. This software has been tested against NMS 1.15 and 2.0. If the NMS database is large, the enabling exploration may take a while*this is due strictly to the speed of the NMS database callback API. 5. Smart-launch BrightWorks or the BrightWorks module. o BrightWorks - Select the target PC or server where either EQUIP or an audit have been run, and then select the Fusion command in the NMS Tools menu. BrightWorks will skip a few steps and invoke the inventory details dialog box for the target node. The network number and NIC address are used as the synchronization key between BrightWorks and NMS. o LAI - same as BrightWorks. o SiteMeter - Select the server within an NMS map where SiteMeter is installed, and then select the SiteMeter command in the NMS Tools menu. The SiteMeter administration program is launched with an Application Usage Monitor showing information on application usage on that server. o NetRemote - Select the target workstation, and then choose the NetRemote command in the NMS Tools menu. NetRemote will be invoked with the NetRemote options that are configured for the target PC. If the target PC is configured for remote control and has "listen" enabled, then NetRemote+ will automatically take control of the target PC. Should you have any questions regarding any of these steps or regarding the smart-launch of McAfee applications within NMS, please do not hesitate to contact McAfee Technical Support.